7 Ways to Save Money on Cattle Feed

ways to save money on cattle feed

When you save money on cattle feed, you can make your feedlot more efficient. There are a variety of ways to save money on macro and micro cattle feed ingredients. Streamlining the feed mixing process and perfecting your ingredient usage can help you reduce costs on cattle feed in many ways. The Cattle Pro is designed to make cattle feed mixing easy, and help feedlot managers save money on cattle feed.

7 Ways to Save Money on Cattle Feed

The Cattle Pro is a complete cattle feed mixing system capable of working with multiple dry and liquid ingredients. Multiple bins, feeders, scales and mixers working in tandem and coordinated by a simple, yet powerful controller helps to ensure that your cattle feed mix includes all of the ingredients your cattle need, in the right amounts. The micro scales and bins work with a high level of accuracy and the mixer is optimized to create a cohesive and uniform mix. Best of all, you’re not tied to a single supplier—you’re free to choose your own ingredient suppliers.

1. No Fixed Contracts

Many cattle feed mixing systems are provided by nutrition or supplement suppliers. Using this equipment usually requires a contractual agreement with the supplier to use only their ingredients. In many cases, this requires feedlots to take on the extra costs of the ingredients, when cheaper options may be available.

With the Cattle Pro feed mixing system, there is no contract and no requirements to choose particular ingredients. APEC is not an ingredient supplier, and does not have contracts with any ingredient suppliers. We designed the Cattle Pro to work with many different types of ingredients, and customize each system to ensure it operates accurately and efficiently with your ingredients. Feedlot managers and owners are free to choose the most effective and affordable ingredients, and work with any supplier they choose.

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2. Purchase Wholesale Ingredients

Avoiding exclusive ingredient supplier contracts also gives feedlot managers and owners the ability to purchase ingredients wholesale. While this certainly is not required to operate the Cattle Pro effectively, it is a notable way to save money on cattle feed. With a variety of bin sizes and scales, the Cattle Pro also makes it easy to utilize wholesale ingredients in bulk amounts. Depending on the suppliers you work with and their wholesale prices, you may be able to save money on cattle feed substantially.

3. Reducing Ingredient Waste

The Cattle Pro is designed to measure ingredients with a high level of precision. This is particularly valuable for nutritional supplements, vitamins, minerals, antibiotics and other expensive additives. While hand-adding and hand-mixing often results in adding too much or too little of any ingredient, automated cattle feed mixing equipment adds the same amount every time. Regardless of how the ingredients are diluted or concentrated, the automated process will ensure that you get the right amount and you’re not paying for wasted ingredients.

4. Reducing Cattle Feed Defects

Healthy, fast-growing beef cattle require a careful mix of vitamins, minerals, hormones and other additives. For some ingredients, adding too much can cause defects and illness. Other ingredients can create deficiencies if cattle don’t get enough. Either situation will ultimately cost money; defects in feed quality will create defects in the cattle. Precisely measuring and automating the cattle feed mix, including microingredients, helps to prevent feed defects and subsequent issues with cattle.

5. Reducing Water Use

The Cattle Pro is fully contained to reduce overspray of liquid ingredients. This not only helps to prevent waste of expensive liquid ingredients, but also helps to reduce water use. In areas affected by drought or those without water sources nearby, this is a great way to save money on cattle feed.

6. Freeing Up Time

We all know that time is money. The Cattle Pro’s automated measuring, dispensing and mixing action eliminates time-consuming tasks. This frees up staff for other jobs and makes your operation more efficient.

7. Reducing Maintenance Costs

Every machine requires some amount of maintenance. While preventative maintenance can extend the life of your machine and prevent unscheduled downtime, unexpected repairs can create unexpected costs. The Cattle Pro doesn’t use proprietary parts, so it’s easy to maintain and repair using off-the-shelf parts when needed. The flush hopper also makes the system easy to clean. The modular construction and stainless steel components also makes the machine easy to maintain.

Improving the speed and efficiency of your feed operation through automation is one way to save money on cattle feed. Reducing waste, optimizing maintenance, and avoiding supplier contracts can also help. Take a look at the Cattle Pro page to learn more about our cattle feed mixing system. If you’re interested in saving money and improving efficiency with the Cattle Pro, contact us. We’ll give you a quote and answer any questions you may have.